Woodhall Manor
Woodhall Manor at Sutton in Suffolk, sometimes called ‘Wood Hall’ and ‘Sutton Hall Farmhouse’ in records, has spent much of its life as a satellite farm of the Sutton Hall Estate. It is a building listed Grade II* by English Heritage as a dwelling of ‘architectural and/or historic interest’. The star suffix denotes an especially fine example within its class and is applied to less than five percent of all listed buildings.
The oldest parts are medieval, although as the date on the eastern porch attests, restoration and additions were made in 1566, the sixth year of the reign of Elizabeth I. The 16th century H-shaped part of the house, still in evidence on the east and west facades of the garden front – which was formerly the entrance front- was considerably enlarged in a loose Tudor style in 1903. The E-shaped portion to the right is of 1566 but the porch and fenestration are of 1903, to designs by W. Kemp, whose architectural drawings hung in the entrance hall here as late as 1988.